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Foxoso Luxury Camps, Jaisalmer


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Rooms & Suites

Special Offers

Jeep Safari Package INR 9999/- Per Couple
Camel Ride Package only INR 8999/- Per Couple

Hotels Facilities

Upgrade hotel stay with facilities: Toiletries, Room Service, & Fitness.

AC Luxury Tents with Modern Amenities

Dining Facilities with a Desert View

Bonfire & Cultural Entertainment

Camel & Jeep Safaris

Desert-themed activities

24-hour Front Desk & Camp Services

Cultural Performances

On-site Parking

Desert Excursions & Experiences

Romance Amidst the Dunes

In the heart of the Thar Desert, Foxoso Luxury Camps offered us a haven where love bloomed like desert flowers, bathed in the glow of a thousand stars. An extraordinary retreat, weaving memories that will forever dance in the sands of our hearts. 💖🏕 #FoxosoExperience #LuxuryCampingMagic